Ghornon's Hammer | Nokturn, 07 June 2005 |
For all those who are wondering what happened to the GameBlade: The GameBlade has reached a point where any further development would make it more and more similar to SDL itself. That's why I decided to start a new project, but not a library this time. It's a multi-platform 3D Strategy-Adventure called Ghornon's Hammer which is quickly progressing through the Alpha state at the moment. If you want to see more of my work, please visit the homepage of Ghornon's Hammer! |
CVS News | Nokturn, 13. Jan. 2004 |
After a long break I decided to work on the GameBlade again. Today, I tried to improve the CVS version a little by adding a feature of blitting one image onto another, which was not possible in earlier version. I got inspired by some RPGs, where the character-sprite is composed of several different elements like head, torso, hands, etc. |
SpaceBlade Release | Nokturn, 9. Jul. 2003 |
Today the first version of the SpaceBlade got released. You can download it at the download page. We also opened a new SpaceBlade section to give you some more info about the game. The page is still simple and pretty empty at the moment, just two new screenshots of a famous battle are shown :) |
SpaceBlade Scores | Nokturn, 7. Jul. 2003 |
Well, SpaceBlade is on it's best way of being a good RPG. At the end of each battle, the status of
all teamships is shown. The stats include values like Accuracy, Inflicted Damage and Courage, which
based on how dangerously you played. I am having a lot of fun testing the game, I am looking
forward to the next stage of the gameplay. Here is one of my fabulous scores. Note that it is
hardly possible to survive a battle with the Courage value of more than some 100%...
Working on the SpaceBalde | Nokturn, 7. Jul. 2003 |
The development of SpaceBlade got a high tempo. The current CVS is now playable. There are
two teams of ships that battle each other in RPG manner, but in realtime. There are
many explosion effects, experience points, hitpoints and a lot of action. See the screenshot
and meanwhile I will continue working on the game! |
SpaceBlade | Nokturn, 6. Jul. 2003 |
In order to keep a steady GameBlade development process going, I decided to start coding a
full game using the GameBlade. Well, the result is SpaceBlade, a new module in the project.
SpaceBlade will be a roleplaying game in which two teams of spaceships battle each other in
realtime, but the damage etc. is calculated using RPG rules. |
Mouse Support | Nokturn, 6. Jul. 2003 |
The latest CVS of the GameBlade has mouse support. Mouse button states
can be checked using GB_GetButton(int). The mouse position relative and
absolute to the window can be acquired using the new functions |
No OpenGL support yet | Nokturn, 30. Mar. 2003 |
Though we were promising it again and again, the OpenGL support (which was already working pretty well) was removed from the CVS repository. We decided to put it on ice because a lack of time on the hands of all developers had frozen the project. Now we will be able to work on smaller features, like mouse support a better sound system and a tile system in future. We will also develop some more example games sooner or later. |
Base20030110 | Nokturn, 13. Jan. 2003 |
Today there's a surprise release! For all those who have been waiting for Base20021022, there is bad news, because they will have to wait a little longer :) Today's release, 20030110 helps all those, who had problems with compiling the GameBlade. Base20030110 should compile with VC++ and the new gcc 3.2, too, which it had difficulties with before. I would like to thank all those, who have contributed patches and tips, and also those, who have reported compilation problems to me! Happy GameBlading! :) |
Release of Base20021016 + Future Plans | Nokturn, 24. Oct. 2002 |
Today is the scheduled release of the fourth base distribution of the GameBlade.
It took a little longer this time, but the changes are really big. If you want
to learn about the changes, read the previous news post.
The next version of the GameBlade is already worked on. Look forward to things
like sprite lists, OpenGL support and maybe a tile system and much more!
Base20021016 almost done + expansion of the GameBlade | Nokturn, 23. Oct. 2002 |
I am sorry for no updates in the last few days but we were all busy with preparing
tomorrow's release of the fourth GameBlade base distribution. It is almost done. All
we still need is some testing and updated documents, especially the HOWTO file.
The changes in this version are rather huge:
I am also glad to announce that the GameBlade has gained new development team members! Welcome!
EXRotZoom20021015 | Nokturn, 18. Oct. 2002 |
Today, a new example distribution is released. It is the EXRotZoom20021015 distribution
and it demonstrates the zooming, rotation and smoothing functions of the GameBlade.
![]() I also rewrote the description of the "About GameBlade" page :) |
Base20021015 | Nokturn, 17. Oct. 2002 |
First of all, I want to thank my friend Dimitri S. ( ) for the
new logo! He is also working on an icon for the GameBlade, which will be included in
every distribution ;)
Next, there is of course a big event today: The release of GameBlade base 20021015.
Here is what is new:
The next base is also in work, it will feature collision detection (Box, Reduced Box and maybe
even Perfect!) among other features.
GMSpaceBreakout20021013 release + other news | Nokturn, 16. Oct. 2002 |
Today is the release date of GMSpaceBreakout20021013. It is, like the name
says, a breakout game. It is pretty difficult to play, but that was the same
with GMSpaceshipGalaxy20021007 (which is still my favourite game).
Another great news is, that we have a new developer for the GameBlade.
His nickname is NIMGIL and at the moment he is working on a collision detection
system for the GameBlade. Welcome! : )
If you look at the release schedule, which was not updated recently,
you will notice that Base20021015 is scheduled for tomorrow. And in fact, the
base is finished but still needs a little testing and needs updated documents.
There are only two changes in version 20021015, but huge ones:
Another great news is, that the GameBlade will be getting a new logo and icon soon!
Thanx to the work of a great fan of the GameBlade ; ) But seriously, it looks really
great : )
Work on a new distribution has already been started. The GameBlade base 20021016 will
have functions for collision detection between sprite (box and perfect) among other features.
The release has not been scheduled yet.
EXExplosion20021013 - Fireworks : ) | Nokturn, 15. Oct. 2002 |
The GameBlade has received a very convenient system to draw pixels with it's new
Base20021013. The distribution released today is an example distribution which
is rather complicated because it uses particle systems to simulate fireworks.
Of course "complicated" is to be seen rather relatively because the GameBlade is not
complicated at all : )
The number of particle is adjustable, I have tried numbers between 1 and 100000 and
found 500 the best, so I let that one : ) Note that the example is not optimised at all,
it uses floating point math and the sin and cos functions instead of fixed point math
and lookup tables!
By the way, please use the forum
to give feedback about the GameBlade, join the Open Discussion or present the project using GameBlade.
EXAlpha20021013 - GameBlade v. 20021013 in action | Nokturn, 14. Oct. 2002 |
In accord with the release schedule, it's the turn of EXAlpha20021013 to be released today. The example loads a background graphic from a jpg file, loads a sprite file from a bmp file
( maybe you know Mr. Mario from the sprite example already ;) ) and displays the sprite
5 times over the screen, where each sprite has a different alpha value which is increased or
decreased every frame. Ever tried that in less than 40 lines? ;) Well, here is a screenshot:
GameBlade Base Version 20021013 | Nokturn, 13. Oct. 2002 |
After a lot of testing of the first version of the GameBlade base, I noticed that
there are many useful functions which I missed in the first base distribution.
All these functions are now present in the second base distribution. The most
important changes include:
I decided to update the event filtering system in the next version, because it proved
to be a bit clumsy, but still is functional enough.
I will release the example distributions EXAlpha20021013 (example of setting and getting
alpha values) and EXExplosion20021013 (example of drawing pixels to the screen) tomorrow and
the day after tomorrow.
Now you might ask about how to "update" to the new version. Actually, you don't need
to change your code or anything. If you need a certain function, just copy and paste it
into your old files. But since the GameBlade is not "installed" on your system, the
games and examples you wrote for version 20021007 will of course still work and if you
feel that 20021007 is good enough for you, please use that one!
I also opened a new section of this site, which is the release schedule. You can inform
youself about past, current and future distribution releases.
Second game example - Spaceship Galaxy | Nokturn, 12. Oct. 2002 |
Well, after 5 hours of coding, the second game example is done. It is a horizontal scroller (arcade game)
with the striking name "Spaceship Galaxy" ;) I find it pretty playable, but a little
difficult. If I will have some free time, maybe I will work on it a little more to add
things like more enemies, more weapons etc.... erm and better music! The distribution does
not include any sound nor code for sound because I didn't feel like looking for space sounds!
But if you have some free space sounds, please contact me, I will add them to the game!
Some will also notice that I have rearranged the menu bar of the homepage which was a
bit messy with all the long items... and I put the source code of Space Pong, which can
be viewed through the page, into an extra file to shorten the HTML loading time!
I already have a new idea for the next example game but first I will release the next
version of the GameBlade Base, which will include things like functions for drawing single
pixels, filling an area with a color and clearing the Screen surface. Furthermore, I will
rearrange all the header files a little and update the documents. Maybe I will also make changes
to the event filter system because it is a bit unlucky at the moment.
GameBlade readme version 20021007 uploaded + new game example in work | Nokturn, 11. Oct. 2002 |
I converted the readme file version 20021007, which is included in every distribution, to HTML and
added some links (GCC, SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer) as well as two links to this page and the project
page on You can find the doc at exactly that project page in the documents section:
Today, I started working on a new example game. It is a vertical scrolling space game and it's called
"Spaceshit Galaxy" :) I know this is not a very innovative title! Anyway, I have been coding for 2 hours already
and I already coded the Spaceship and Shot class, now the player can move around the screen and shoot at the emtpy space :)
First GameBlade Game: Space Pong | Nokturn, 10. Oct. 2002 |
I promised you a complete game example yesterday. Today, it is done. I have coded a complete
Pong game, including AI, scores, title screens and even an eye candy effect in just 2 hours,
of which I spent 1 hour for that eye candy :) The distribution is called GMSpacePong20021007
and you can download it in the download section! It's a game, you can play it, you don't have
to code :) I also put the main file into the Source Example section, convince yourself of how easy
GameBlade is :) I will be using it myself for games. During the coding process, I have
found out about many features I would like to add/change in the next release of GameBlade. If you
have feature requests, use my page or
contact me!
Two new example distributions | Nokturn, 10. Oct. 2002 |
I built two new example distributions for GameBlade:
EXMusic20021007, which covers
the looped playback of an Ogg Vorbis music file ("music/Cool.ogg") included ;)
(4 additional lines of code)
EXText20021007, which covers displaying a text (2 additional lines of code)
As you see, it is VERY simple to play music or display a text :)
I am planning to post a complete source code example of a simple pong game on
the site. I will try keeping the code below 150 lines... will I reach my goal?
GameBlade Homepage Opening! | Nokturn, 09. Oct. 2002 |
This is a great day for the GameBlade project: Not only did it had the very first release today, but it also got its site opened.
I hope that this project will be as useful to everyone like it is to me!
Anyway, if you are new, look at the About page, look at the source examples and convince yourself :)